Monday, August 22, 2016

Can a Home Security System Lower My Insurance?

If you own a home, homeowners insurance is a must. This type of insurance policy is designed to protect your property in the event that damage occurs to either the home or the possessions inside. Homeowners insurance also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or property.

The costs of home insurance vary widely from state to state, but there are things you can do to lower your premium each month. One of the best ways is to invest in a home security system. On average, it can reduce your monthly premium by as much as 20 percent!

Why Does a Home Security System Make a Difference?

According to the FBI, every 15 seconds, a home burglary occurs in the US. Properties without security systems are three times more likely to be targets. Insurance companies recognize that home security systems play a significant role in keeping homes safe. By having a monitored home alarm system, you send a signal to potential burglars that your home is being watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Furthermore, insurance companies know that a home alarm system has additional built-in features that protect a home and keep possessions safe. Monitored security systems reduce the risk of costly fire or water damage, for example.

At the end of the day, there is a lesser chance of needing to file a claim with your insurance company when you have a home security system installed. This reduces your risk significantly in the eyes of your carrier. As a result, some of the savings are passed down to you.

How Much Money Can I Save?

Many homeowners report seeing as much as 20 percent off their monthly premium. It really depends on your insurance provider and other factors.

The best thing you can do is to speak with your insurance company about the savings you can see by installing a home security system. You may even obtain several quotes to see what your monthly premium would look like with other insurance companies.

A handful of factors are taken into consideration when determining your monthly premium, but for insurance companies, it’s all about reducing your risk and making yourself and your property look good.

To learn more about installing a home security system for your property and saving money on your homeowners insurance, call Texas Security & Surveillance.  

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