Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Home Safety Plan

Now that spring is in full swing, it’s time to catch up on your home. You may have cleaned out your cabinets, organized your closets and scrubbed your floors. But what you may not have done is updated some of the safety features in your home.

Home safety and home automation deserves a category of its own. It’s highly important, but unfortunately, it’s often overlooked.

People tend to tackle many of the cleaning projects in the springtime, especially since it becomes obvious when the dust builds up on the blinds or the grout changes color. Yet just because home safety features aren’t staring you in the face doesn’t mean they’re not important.

Below are spring cleaning tips for your home safety plan that you should address before the summer starts.

Let’s begin!

Replace Your Filters

Did you know that indoor air can be five times more polluted than outdoor air? This is especially true in the winter and early spring when the windows and doors are closed and there isn’t any fresh air to circulate through the home.

To improve the air quality in your home, replace the air filters in your HVAC system. Also replace filters that are in your home appliances, such as the range hood, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner and dryer.

Choose Green Cleaning Products

Another way to improve the indoor air quality in your home is to use green cleaners. However, do be aware that “natural” does not mean “nontoxic.” Many cleaners, including natural ones, use chemicals that can be toxic, especially for children, pets and seniors.

If you don’t trust what’s on the shelves, find a recipe online and make your own cleaner. A few basic ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, castile soap and baking soda can give you cleaning products for every purpose while also saving you money. Check out some great recipes here.

Test the Batteries in Your Smoke Alarm

To ensure that your smoke alarm is in good working condition, check the batteries even in a hard-wired alarm. Each alarm should be tested individually. You’re looking for a couple things when you test the batteries. First, the smoke detectors should be working and responsive. Second, the alarm should be loud enough for you to hear. If it’s not, replace the batteries and retest. If it’s still not very loud, you may need to replace the fire alarm.

Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Many smoke alarms these days also have a carbon monoxide detector built in. If not, you should have separate carbon monoxide detectors on each level of the home. Test the batteries on a regular basis. The test button only accounts for the battery, however, and not the actual sensors. If your carbon monoxide detectors are 5 or more years old, you should have them replaced or recalibrated.

Secure Your Home

With summer approaching, homes are more at risk for burglaries. You will be leaving your doors and windows open more often, and you may be going on vacation.

If you already have a home security system but haven’t been using it to its full advantage, now is the time to get everyone in the home on board. Create a family safety plan that includes when the alarm should be set, what the access code is, whether or not you want security cameras, etc.

Now is the time to think about securing your home. Find a reliable Austin alarm company that will provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. Call Texas Security and Surveillance and let us check out your existing system and make sure that everything is in excellent working condition.

Monday, June 20, 2016

How to Protect Your Business from a Fire

Protecting your business from a fire takes careful planning. But, you aren’t just counting on yourself to keep your business safe. You’re also counting on others. Whether it’s your customers, employees or other businesses in the building, the risk of fire can come from a number of sources.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your investment and reduce the risk of a devastating fire. Let’s take a look.

Start With the Four Walls of Your Business

Clutter makes a potential fire even more difficult to put out. Go through old papers and files and discard what you can. If you have a lot of sensitive documents, hire a paper shredding company.

Now is also a good time to have an electrical inspection done. Make sure your building is up to code, and if it’s not, fix the issues immediately.

Install Reliable Smoke Detectors  

Your business should have the best fire protection possible, which in this case is a hard-wired fire detection system that is monitored by a business security company. This way, if there was ever a fire, emergency crews would be notified immediately.

Aside from having reliable smoke detectors, also check for how loud the alarm is. The alarm needs to be loud enough that it would alert customers and employees to evacuate the building.

Have Fire Suppression Methods Available

Add fire extinguishers to the appropriate places in your business, such as on the walls or in hiding spots. Your staff should be trained on how to use the equipment. Many businesses have fire extinguishers, but they are useless if their employees don’t know where they are or how to operate them.

Keep Sensitive Documents in Safe Places

Fires can happen to any business, which is why it’s important to safeguard important documents. Keep hard copy documents in fire-safe cabinets. Backup computer files regularly and store the files in a fire-safe cabinet or off site.

Educate Your Staff

We discussed the importance of training your staff to know how to use fire extinguishers. Staff should also be trained on how to turn on the business monitoring system each night before they leave. If anything were to go wrong overnight, the alarm will notify the right people.

It can also be beneficial to have your staff participate in fire safety seminars. Some of the things discussed in these seminars include how to use fire extinguishers, the safest exit routes and ways to reduce fire hazards at the workplace.

Fires can come out of nowhere. It doesn’t take much to safeguard your business and reduce the threat of fire. For maximum protection, install a fire alarm that is hard wired into your business security system.

Texas Security and Surveillance offers security solutions for all types of businesses. Call us today to learn about the different business alarm system packages we have available and how we keep our customers in good hands.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Going Out of Town? Protect Your Home in 3 Steps

Whether it’s a delayed spring break or an upcoming summer vacation, chances are that you will be going out of town in the next couple of months.

Traveling is fun, and it’s meant to give you a break from a monotonous routine. But what happens when you return home from your vacation and realize that your home has been broken into? Or what will you do if you get a call from a neighbor saying that your alarms are going off?

Fortunately, there are smart ways that you can protect your home before you head out of town. This way, you can enjoy your travels and come back to a safe, secure home.

1. Arm your home security system and notify your monitoring center.

Before you walk out the door, arm your home security system. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget to do this!

Many families feel rushed as they’re packing up the car or lugging suitcases into a taxi, and they rush out without ever setting the system. If you have a checklist of things to do, be sure to add that on there.

Also notify your monitoring center that you will be leaving the home. This is extremely important because if the center gets a signal that something is going on, they know that it’s not a false alarm.

2. Automate your lighting.

One of the best ways to show activity in your home is by turning on and off the lights. Thanks to home automation, no one has to go through extreme lengths to do this like they did in Home Alone.

Using your home security system, you can make your home look lived in without actually being there. Turn on/off the lights and open/close the curtains with home automation.

Aside from the safety features that home automation provides, you can also lower your energy consumption and keep your home comfortable while you’re away.

3. Don’t advertise that you’re going to be out of town.

Hold the mail, or have a trusted neighbor collect it for you. Give your yard a good cleaning before you leave so that the grass doesn’t grow much and give your absence away.

Also be mindful of what you post on social media. Sure it can feel great to share pictures of how much fun you’re having, but it also means that everyone knows that you’re not home. Consider sharing this information with close friends and family only and/or making your posts private. Or, simply wait to post the pictures until you are home.

You deserve to come home to a safe and secure property. But, you play a role in keeping your property protected. By following the three tips above, you significantly lower the chances of break-ins, burglaries or vandalism. Be smart about who you share information with, and keep your monitoring service aware of when you’ll be leaving.

If you don’t have an Austin alarm company watching out for your home, call Texas Security and Surveillance today. We have affordable, reliable home security systems that will keep your property safe no matter where you are.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Would You Know How to Handle a Break In?

Often times when we think about our homes being burglarized, we picture a situation where we’re not in the home. While burglars do prefer homes that are empty, crimes still occur with the homeowners inside.

Would you know what to do if your home was broken into in the middle of the night? It’s a terrifying situation that happens to thousands of people each year.

Here are some things to think about that will help protect you and your family in the event of a break in.

Avoid Confrontation

One of the best things you can do today is make a plan. Each home is unique, so take the time to identify which exit routes you and your family would take and how you would call for help.

Once an intruder is in your home, it’s best to stay away from them. You don’t know who you’re dealing with, so avoid confrontation at all costs. Either hide or escape, depending on what’s best for your home and the circumstances at large.

Assign a Code Word

If you don’t live alone, this means you have other people in your household who will need to be warned of an intruder.

It’s best to come up with a code word that you agree on in advance. This way, when you yell out the word, everyone knows what issue you’re dealing with. You should also have an escape route or safe room planned in advance.

Designate a Safe Room

Getting out of the home is usually ideal. You can then run to a trusted neighbor’s home or another place of safety. If you can’t get out of the home, a safe room or closet is the next safest option.

The door on your safe room should be thick and able to lock from the inside. It should also be easy to barricade. Consider installing a deadbolt on your bedroom door as well as the safe room door.

Finally, your safety room should be stocked with the essentials, including a phone charger and things you can use as weapons.

Call for Help

Obviously, alerting the police is one of the first things you should do. Let them know where you live, where you are hiding and how many intruders you think there are. Let them listen in on the phone call. Turn off all lights and keep quiet while hiding. Wait there until help arrives.


Talking about a potential break in isn’t the most fun conversation to have as a family, but it’s important to know how you would handle an intruder. Of course, the best way to protect your home is by installing a home security system.

Not only does a security system deter burglars but it also alerts local authorities immediately so that you can focus on getting to a safe place. To learn more about having a home security system installed, call Texas Security & Surveillance today!